Stockholm, Sweden: Further evidence of how maternal characteristics can influence the development of children born after in vitro fertilisation (IVF) was presented to the annual conference of the European Society of Human Fertilisation and Embryology on Monday. A study of all 8941 IVF children born in Sweden between 2002 and 2006 where only one baby […]
How many embryos to transfer? Swedish researchers develop new method to avoid twins while maintaining high live birth rates
Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish researchers have, for the first time, developed a reliable way of deciding whether one or two embryos should be transferred during fertility treatment; the method simultaneously maintains a high chance of women giving birth to a live baby, while reducing the risk of twins. Dr Jan Holte told the annual meeting of […]
Smoking during pregnancy lowers levels of ‘good’ HDL cholesterol in children: findings suggest adverse impact on health in later life
Researchers in Australia have discovered that mothers who smoke during pregnancy are causing developmental changes to their unborn babies that lead to them having lower levels of the type of cholesterol that is known to protect against heart disease in later life – high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. The research, published online today in the European […]
Important monitoring of heart performance is omitted in two-thirds of high-risk surgical operations
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Only 35% of anaesthesiologists are carrying out a simple procedure during high-risk surgery that can make a significant impact on how well patients recover from their operations, according to new research presented today (Sunday 12 June) at the European Anaesthesiology Congress in Amsterdam. A survey of 463 randomly selected European and US […]
Hypnosis/local anaesthesia combination during surgery helps patients and reduces hospital stays
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Using a combination of hypnosis and local anaesthesia (LA) for certain types of surgery can aid the healing process and reduce drug use and time spent in hospital, anaesthesiologists have found. The combination could also help avoid cancer recurrence and metastases, according to new research to be presented today (Sunday) at the […]
3-D movie shows, for the first time, what happens in the brain as it loses consciousness
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: For the first time researchers have been able to watch what happens to the brain as it loses consciousness. Using sophisticated imaging equipment they have constructed a 3-D movie of the brain as it changes while an anaesthetic drug takes effect. Brian Pollard, Professor of Anaesthesia at The University of Manchester (UK), […]
Study finds a decline in heart attacks over 20 years, but rising BMIs may reverse this in the future
Better control of cholesterol levels and blood pressure and a decline in smoking have contributed to a 74% drop in the risk of heart attack among nearly 10,000 civil servants working in London over a 20-year period, according to new research. However, the reduction would have been even greater were it not for the fact […]
Fear of dying during a heart attack is linked to increased inflammation
Intense distress and fear of dying, which many people experience when suffering the symptoms of a heart attack, are not only fairly common emotional responses but are also linked to biological changes that occur during the event, according to new research published online today in the European Heart Journal [1]. These changes, in turn, are […]
Mother’s body size and placental size predict heart disease in men
Researchers investigating the foetal origins of chronic disease have discovered that combinations of a mother’s body size and the shape and size of her baby’s placenta can predict heart disease in men in later life. The research is published online today in the European Heart Journal [1]. Professor David Barker and colleagues studied 6975 men […]
Direct-to-consumer genetic tests neither accurate in their predictions nor beneficial to individuals, say European geneticists
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic tests give inaccurate predictions of disease risks and many European geneticists believe that some of them should be banned, the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics will hear today (Tuesday). In the first of two studies to be presented, Rachel Kalf, from the department of epidemiology […]