Diabetes or its rapid deterioration can be an early warning sign for pancreatic cancer

Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Patients and their doctors should be aware that the onset of diabetes, or a rapid deterioration in existing diabetes that requires more aggressive treatment, could be a sign of early, hidden pancreatic cancer, according to research presented at the European Cancer Congress 2017 [1]. Ms Alice Koechlin, from the International Prevention Research […]

Experts predict melanoma death rates will fall by 2050, but numbers of deaths will increase unless effective treatments are developed

Amsterdam, The Netherlands: By 2050 the death rates from malignant melanoma will have decreased from their current levels but the numbers of people dying from the disease will have increased due to the aging of populations. However, if new treatments for the deadly skin cancer prove to be effective, the numbers of deaths could fall […]

The immunotherapy, pembrolizumab, is active against mucosal melanoma tumours and prolongs survival for patients with bladder cancer

Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Clinical trials of a new immunotherapy, pembrolizumab, have shown that it prolongs life significantly for patients with bladder cancer and is active against a rare sub-type of melanoma, called mucosal melanoma. The findings were presented in two presentations at the European Cancer Congress 2017 [1]. Until now, mucosal melanoma has often been […]

Delays in access to new cancer medicines and unjustifiable price rises for old ones disadvantage patients unnecessarily

Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Cancer patients are living longer and in many cases the disease is becoming chronic rather than acute. Access to drugs that help extend life and improve quality of life, and fair prices for those drugs are therefore essential for more and more people. But patients are badly served in this respect, with […]

Women treated for precursor of breast cancer can expect to live as long as other women

Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Women over 50 who have been treated for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) are more likely to be alive ten years later than women in the general population, according to new research presented at the European Cancer Congress 2017 [1]. DCIS differs from breast cancer because it is non-invasive, meaning it cannot […]

Twice-daily radiation therapy cuts deaths from head and neck cancer

Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Treating head and neck cancer patients with a twice-daily radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy could save more lives, according to new research presented at the European Cancer Congress 2017 [1]. The study, led by Dr Claire Petit, a resident in radiation oncology from Gustave Roussy cancer centre in Paris, included patients with […]

Starting menstrual periods at a young age and childlessness increase risk of premature and early menopause

Women who had their first menstrual period when they were aged 11 or younger have an increased risk of an early or premature menopause and if they remain childless the risk is increased even more, according to results from the first large scale, multi-national study to investigate the links between age at puberty and menopause […]

Quick and easy blood test for gut bacteria can predict accurately risk of death and heart problems in heart attack patients

The bacteria that inhabit our gut digest food and produce metabolites that can have a marked effect on the heart and blood vessels. Researchers have found that measuring the levels of a molecule called trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) that is produced by the gut bacteria from components of red meat, eggs and diary products in blood […]

Phase I trial shows that a drug that inhibits the Notch signalling process is active in a range of advanced cancers

Munich, Germany: A new anti-cancer drug that inhibits a key cell signalling process involved in many different cancers has shown that it is capable of stopping the progression of cancer and shrinking tumours. Importantly, it has been able to do this in rare cancers that are less well-studied such as adenoid cystic carcinoma. Dr Christophe […]

Advanced soft tissue sarcomas respond to a combination of a new and an existing anti-cancer drug

Munich, Germany: Researchers working to find effective treatments for soft tissue sarcomas have discovered that combining a new anti-cancer drug with an existing one kills cancer cells not only in the laboratory but also in the first two patients treated with it, leading to unusually long-lasting periods without the disease progressing. Soft tissue sarcomas – […]