Category: Cardiology

Mothers of twins face a higher risk of heart disease in the year after birth

The risk of being admitted to the hospital with heart disease is twice as high the year after birth for mothers of twins compared to singleton births, according to research published in the European Heart Journal [1] . The risk is even higher in mothers of twins who had a high blood pressure condition during […]

Fatty muscles raise the risk of serious heart disease regardless of overall body weight

People with pockets of fat hidden inside their muscles are at a higher risk of dying or being hospitalised from a heart attack or heart failure, regardless of their body mass index, according to research published in the European Heart Journal [1]. This ‘intermuscular’ fat is highly prized in beef steaks for cooking. However, little […]

Morning coffee may protect the heart better than all-day coffee drinking

People who drink coffee in the morning have a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and a lower overall mortality risk compared to all-day coffee drinkers, according to research published in the European Heart Journal [1]. The research was led by Dr Lu Qi HCA Regents Distinguished Chair and Professor at the Celia Scott […]

Study using more reliable measure of wine consumption finds possible protective effect for low to moderate drinking in people at risk of cardiovascular disease

Drinking a small or moderate amount of wine may lower the risk of serious cardiovascular disease in people at a higher risk who are following a Mediterranean diet, according to research published in the European Heart Journal [1]. Previous studies on the effects of wine on cardiovascular health have produced inconsistent results. This may be […]

Risk of internal bleeding doubles when people on anticoagulants take NSAID painkiller

People who take an anticoagulant medicine double their risk of an internal bleed if they take a type of painkiller called a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as ibuprofen, diclofenac or naproxen, according to research published in the European Heart Journal [1]. Anticoagulants are usually prescribed to people who develop a blood clot in the […]

Babies born after fertility treatment have higher risk of heart defects

The risk of being born with a major heart defect is 36% higher in babies who were conceived after assisted reproductive technology, such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF), according to results of a very large study published in the European Heart Journal [1]. Researchers say the finding is important since congenital heart defects are the […]

Experts call for routine measurement of lipoprotein (a) levels

Studies highlight the role played by Lp (a) in heart and blood vessel diseases London, UK: Heart experts say that everyone should have their levels of lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a) measured routinely at least once in life, following research from one of the most populous EU countries, Poland, that shows how common high levels of Lp(a) […]

Does low lipoprotein(a) increase the risk of diabetes? New research suggests it does not

Efforts to reduce Lp(a) levels in patients with cardiometabolic conditions should continue London, UK: New research has shown that, contrary to some previous studies, low levels of lipoprotein (a) – a parcel of fats and protein in the blood – do not cause type 2 diabetes. The findings may alleviate concerns that drugs aimed at […]

Weight gain in young and middle-aged adults is linked to poor heart health in older age

People who gain excess weight from their 20s onwards have less healthy hearts by the time they are in their 60s, according to research published in the European Heart Journal [1]. Scientists found links between weight gain in young and middle-aged adults and enlarged hearts that pump blood less well. This is over and above […]

Women who experience depression during pregnancy or after birth have higher risk of cardiovascular disease

Women diagnosed with perinatal depression are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease in the following 20 years compared to women who have given birth without experiencing perinatal depression, according to research published in the European Heart Journal [1]. Perinatal depression, meaning depression during pregnancy or after birth is believed to affect one in five women […]