Barcelona, Spain: A new drug that targets not only common cancer-causing genetic mutations in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), but also a form of the mutation that causes resistance to treatment, has shown promising results in patients in a phase I/II clinical trial. The research will be presented on Friday at the 26th […]
Category: Cancer
Patients with advanced papillary kidney cancer respond well to a combination of two existing anti-cancer drugs
Barcelona, Spain: Researchers have found that patients with an advanced form of kidney cancer, for which there is no standard treatment and a very poor prognosis, respond well to a combination of two existing anti-cancer drugs. Dr Ramaprasad Srinivasan, head of the Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Section, Urologic Oncology Branch, of the National Cancer Institute in […]
Galeterone shows activity in a variant form of castration-resistant prostate cancer
Barcelona, Spain: Results from a trial of the anti-cancer drug galeterone show that it is successful in lowering prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in men with a form of prostate cancer that is resistant to treatment with hormone therapy (castration-resistant prostate cancer or CRPC). Associate professor Mary-Ellen Taplin, of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, USA, will […]
First demonstration of anti-cancer activity for AG-120, an inhibitor of the IDH1 mutation, in patients with advanced leukaemia
Barcelona, Spain: A phase I trial of the first drug designed to inhibit the cancer-causing activity of a mutated enzyme known as isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) 1, which is involved in cell metabolism, has shown clinical activity in patients with advanced acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) with the IDH1 mutation. Professor Daniel Pollyea, M.D. will tell the […]
Damaging legacy: mothers who smoke affect the fertility of their sons
Mothers who smoke while they are pregnant or breast feeding may be damaging the future fertility of their sons, according to new findings from research in mice published online in Human Reproduction [1], one of the world’s leading reproductive medicine journals. The study is the first comprehensive animal model to show the mechanism by which […]
International experts issue plea for better research and education for advanced breast cancer
Breast cancer experts around the world have issued a plea to researchers, academics, drug companies, funders and advocates to carry out high quality research and clinical trials for advanced breast cancer, a disease which is almost always fatal and for which there are many unanswered questions. In the latest international consensus guidelines for the management […]
Latest research shows rates of heart disease and stroke continue to decline in Europe, but more people are hospitalised
Deaths from heart disease and stroke are declining overall in Europe, but at differing rates, according to research, published online in the European Heart Journal [1]. The research, which provides an update for 2014 on the burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Europe, shows that death rates from CVD (diseases of the heart and blood […]
Aspirin: scientists believe cancer prevention benefits outweigh harms
New research from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) reveals taking aspirin can significantly reduce the risk of developing – and dying from – the major cancers of the digestive tract, i.e. bowel, stomach and oesophageal cancer. For the first time, scientists have reviewed all the available evidence from many studies and clinical trials assessing […]
Death rates from pancreatic cancer are rising while rates for all other cancers, except female lung cancer, continue to fall in Europe
Pancreatic cancer is the only cancer for which deaths are predicted to increase in men and women rather than decrease in 2014 and beyond, according to a comprehensive study published in the leading cancer journal Annals of Oncology [1]. The study by researchers in Italy and Switzerland shows that the proportion of deaths due to […]
Six months hormonal treatment in addition to radiotherapy improves survival for men with localised prostate cancer
Vienna, Austria: Men with prostate cancer that is small and confined to the prostate gland but that is at risk of growing and spreading, do better if they are treated with radiotherapy combined with androgen deprivation therapy, which lowers their levels of the male hormone, testosterone, according to new research. The findings, presented at the […]