Largest study of patients with early stage II testicular cancer shows radiation therapy is more effective than chemotherapy

Turin, Italy: A large study of testicular cancer patients has shown that radiation therapy is a better treatment than chemotherapy for patients with stage IIa disease (where one or more regional lymph nodes contain cancer cells but they are less than 2cms in diameter). These findings, presented at the ESTRO 35 conference and published simultaneously […]

Radiation and immunotherapy combination can destroy both primary and secondary tumours

Turin, Italy: Radiation therapy not only kills cancer cells, but also helps to activate the immune system against their future proliferation. However, this immune response is often not strong enough to be able to cure tumours, and even when it is, its effect is limited to the area that has been irradiated. Now, however, research […]

Breast conserving therapy or mastectomy? New study sheds light on best choices for younger and older women with early breast cancer

Turin, Italy: Young women with early breast cancer face a difficult choice about whether to opt for a mastectomy or breast conserving therapy (BCT). This is because there is little evidence as to whether the greater risk of a return of the disease at the site of the original tumour after BCT is linked to […]

Massive failure to publish trial results exposes patients to risks without providing benefits for others

Turin, Italy: Although the publication of results of clinical trials carried out in the USA within 12 months of their completion has been mandatory since 2007, an astoundingly high number of Phase III radiotherapy trials did not do so, according to new research presented at the ESTRO 35 conference. An analysis of 802 trials with […]

A ‘Mediterranean’ diet is linked to a lower risk of heart attacks and strokes in people with heart disease, but a ‘Western’ diet is not associated with an increased risk

A “Mediterranean” diet, high in fruit, vegetables, fish and unrefined foods, is linked to a lower risk of heart attack and stroke in people who already have heart disease, according to a study of over 15,000 people in 39 countries around the world. The research also showed that eating greater amounts of healthy food was […]

BRCA1 gene mutation is linked to women having fewer eggs in their ovaries

Researchers have discovered a link between the BRCA1 gene mutation and lower levels of a hormone that is an indicator of the number of eggs left in a woman’s ovaries, according to research published in Human Reproduction [1], one of the world’s leading reproductive medicine journals. In the first large study looking at BRCA1 and […]

Demand for radiotherapy will rise substantially over next ten years; planning to deal with increase in new cancer cases should start now

The demand for radiotherapy across all European countries will increase by an average of 16% between 2012 and 2025, with the highest expected increase being for prostate cancer cases (24%), according to a new study published in Radiotherapy and Oncology [1]. These projections come from a new study by HERO, the Health Economics in Radiation […]

Happiness can break your heart too

Happy events can trigger a heart condition known as takotsubo syndrome, according to research published in the European Heart Journal [1]. Takotsubo syndrome (TTS) is known as “broken heart syndrome” and is characterised by a sudden temporary weakening of the heart muscles that causes the left ventricle of the heart to balloon out at the […]

Important falls in death rates from leukaemia in Europe predicted for 2016

Death rates from leukaemia among people of all ages in Europe are falling, according to the latest predictions for European cancer deaths in 2016, published in the leading cancer journal Annals of Oncology [1]. The study shows that falls in leukaemia death rates will be greatest among children and young adults of both sexes. Between […]