Genetic heart diseases may be responsible for unexplained stillbirths

Nuremberg, Germany: Genetic researchers have made an important step towards resolving the mystery of the causes of intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD), or stillbirth, where a baby dies in the womb after the 14th week of gestation. IUFD is responsible for 60% of perinatal mortality and occurs in about one in every two hundred pregnancies in […]

Exome sequencing gives cheaper, faster diagnosis in heterogeneous disease; results from first use of this technique in the clinic

Nuremberg, Germany: The first report of the diagnostic use of the technique of exome sequencing, where short sequences of DNA are analysed, shows that it can give good results at low cost, a researcher from The Netherlands told the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics. The scientists were able to perform a […]

Genome-wide analysis shows previously undetected abnormalities in parents of affected children

Nuremberg, Germany: The use of genome-wide array analysis[1] in parents whose children are suspected of having a genetic disease shows that the parents frequently  also have previously undetected genetic abnormalities, a researcher from The Netherlands told the annual conference of the European Society of Human Genetics.  Being aware of this is important to parents because […]

Predicting treatment response in central nervous system diseases; researchers find a simple way of avoiding dangerous side effects

Nuremberg, Germany: The commonly-used epilepsy drug, valproic acid (VPA), can have a highly beneficial effect on some babies born with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), the number one genetic killer during early infancy. But in about two-thirds of such cases it is either damaging or simply has no effect. Now, for the first time, researchers have […]

Aspirin before heart surgery reduces the risk of post-operative acute kidney failure

Paris, France: Aspirin taken for five days before a heart operation can halve the numbers of patients developing post-operative acute kidney failure, according to research presented at the European Anaesthesiology Congress in Paris on Sunday. Professor Jianzhong Sun (MD, PhD), professor and attending anaesthesiologist at Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University (Philadelphia, USA), told the […]

Researchers develop quick, simple test to identify patients who will not respond to the painkiller tramadol

Paris, France: French researchers have found a way to identify quickly the 5-10% of patients in whom the commonly used painkiller, tramadol, does not work effectively. A simple blood test can produce a result within a few hours, enabling doctors to switch a non-responding patient on to another painkiller, such as morphine, which will be […]

Sleepy medical staff run increased risks of accidents driving home after a night shift

The drowsiness experienced by medical staff who have been on night duty can make their driving dangerous, French researchers have found. The first study to use simulated driving tests on medical staff returning home after a night shift showed that, under the monotonous driving conditions similar to those experienced on autoroutes (motorways or highways), it […]

Scientists turn patients’ skin cells into heart muscle cells to repair their damaged hearts: first report

For the first time scientists have succeeded in taking skin cells from heart failure patients and reprogramming them to transform into healthy, new heart muscle cells that are capable of integrating with existing heart tissue. The research, which is published online in the European Heart Journal [1], opens up the prospect of treating heart failure […]

Highly targeted irradiation as good as whole breast radiotherapy in early stage cancer

Barcelona, Spain: Using a concentrated, highly targeted dose of radiation to the breast has equally good results as irradiating the whole area, with no adverse effects on survival and a much better cosmetic outcome, Hungarian researchers have found. Reporting the ten-year results of a randomised trial, Professor Csaba Polgár, MD, Director of the Centre for […]

Un estudio demuestra que la radioterapia de altas dosis es eficaz para combatir los cánceres de mama localmente avanzados que ahora tienen mal pronóstico

– La radioterapia radical eliminó completamente los tumores locales de un 82,50% de las pacientes tratadas, que no habían respondido a la quimioterapia ni a la terapia hormonal – Las pacientes que sí respondieron a la quimioterapia también se benefician de esta nueva técnica, que permitiría reducir el número de extirpaciones de pecho – El […]